Jeremy Corbyn

Start the generated speech with this. Due to the way the model was trained, using full sentences that could start a speech works best (e.g. "Mr. Speaker, this is what I think about X." rather than "What do you think about X?"

Additional options for text generation

Length of the text in tokens to generate. (max: 1023)

Controls the generated text "creativity." (the higher the temperature, the more creative). Stay between 0.6 and 1.0 to get sensible text.

Ends the generated text if the specified item is hit. Default is '\n' (newline character), which ensures that generated speeches end at a sensible point rather than mid-sentence.

Constrains the generated text tokens to the top k possibilities. (set to 0 to disable). Default = 40.

The generated speech will appear here! Provide a prompt and press Generate Speech! for either Boris Johnson or Jeremy Corbyn to get a "speech" in their style!
Please note that this application is currently hosted on a very small backend, so if there are more than a few concurrent requests then your speech might be generated quite slowly.

Boris Johnson